The butterfly lion book report

Name of book:  The Butterflty Lion

Author:   Michael  Morpurgo

Genre:   Children story

Characters:  Bertie,Millie,The White Prince

Setting:  Timbavati in Africa,England,France

Summary:  In  Timbavati in Africa Bertie lived on a farm with his mother and father.Bertie's father was nearly never around! One day Bertie saw a muddy lion cub with no mother lion trying to fight the hyenas away. Then  Bertie saves the lion cub.Then this french man comes to buy this white lion and takes the white lion to France for his circus! Soon Bertie goes to England  for boarding school. Then Bertie runs away and finds this girl named Millie and takes Millie's kite down that she flew into a tree. Bertie visited Millie every Sunday but one day Bertie joins the army after the army Bertie finds The White Prince. One day the lion dies and Bertie buries the lion and then they carve a white lion on the hill.

I learnt from the book:  friendship
The Butterfly Lion


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